
Achieving Success In Life

Irrespective of our profit income and net worth, success in life and true prosperity can only be created if we have a great balance between our jobs and our play time with family and friends. This means that truly successful people enjoy their personal life and derive just as much pleasure from it as they do from making money with their career life.

Some may disagree, but far too many studies of thousands of successful men and women have shown that a great sense of well-being and success stems from a proper balance so that a personal life with family and friends a happy one. In fact, a truly wealthy person will tend to think more about giving pleasure to the important people in their lives as opposed to spending it working too much away from the family.

One of the cold hard realities of modern living is that we all have so many things we would like to pursue but extremely limited time to accomplish those goals. Everyone must make decisions as to how we spend our time. This not only includes how much time we spend at work but also how much time is devoted to our leisure activities.

It is obvious that if you have family that is important to you then being successful at work is irrelevant if you are a failure at the home-front. For those of you that are not aware of this little truth please know that it is entirely possible to be a big success at work and business, and yet totally miss out on life completely.

Unless it significantly changes your life and allows for more leisure time in the future, you should not be sacrificing current happiness for an extra few dollars, regardless of the amount. Sure it is wise to work hard and sacrifice, but to sacrifice your time, life, and family just for money will not do much good in the long run accept satisfy your own ego.

And do not give in to working your time away for material possessions. Day-to-day life will have little meaning if your main reason for going to work is to pay for the possessions that you do not have time to use! What is the point of being well off financially if you do not have time to enjoy truly live, but only to exist?

If you find yourself putting everything you have into business and financial issues to the deterioration and exclusion of everything else in your life, then you have a clear case of "poverty consciousness". Spending time with friends, family, and doing things like meditating or going on adventures, are half of what you need for a life of purpose and fulfillment.

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