Health And Fitness

You Can Achieve Good Health
And Great Physical Fitness

Like many high achievers in our society, health and fitness goals sometimes takes a back seat to our career and money goals.

How much value do you put on your health and fitness levels? Do you think about being in shape? Do you feel that good health is a key ingredient to being happy? Are you secure with your level of fitness and health?

You must change your lifestyle! There is a direct relationship between well-being and health. If your body is strong, so will your attitude be. If your nutrition is high in value, your alertness will increase. And if your stamina is increased, so will your ability to accomplish more goals.

How can this be achieved? By changing your lifestyle! At first it will be a little tough, but once you have gotten into the habit of eating nutritious foods and exercising on a regular basis, you will find that your entire lifestyle will start to work around your new healthy living habits, instead of the other way around.

Having good health is taken for granted by many men and women. The ironic thing is that a lot of these people do not work hard at cleaning up their lifestyle until a disease or illness has put them into the position where they must change for the better.

So how do you determine my goals for better health and fitness? In order to set specific goals for the levels of health and fitness that you desire, you must create a full analysis of your current lifestyle habits in regards to sleep, diet, exercise regimen, and body measurements. You can determine exactly where you stand by filling in some of the basic information below.

1. Determine your weight to height ratio, as well as your waist size. Now how much would you like to weigh? What waist size would you like to have? Write it down!

2. Estimate how many hours of sleep per night you are getting. Do you still wake up tired and feel lethargic during the day? How much energy would you prefer to have?

3. Do you exercise each week? How often? Now how would you change that if you had all of the energy in the world?

4. How often do you eat and how much in one sitting? Do you eat mostly junk food and fast food or do you eat lean meats and vegetables? What would you like to change about your eating habits?

5. Do you smoke or drink alcohol? In what amount? Are you willing to quit or at least taper off?

Now you have a starting basic blueprint of what your health and fitness levels are and how you would like to change them. This is called "Goal Setting". Congratulations because you are on your way to peak health. Now take action!

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